Instant Noodles for Breakfast

Serves 1

Ingredients :

* 1 packet of instant noodles small size (32 g) + seasoning
* 2 tablespoons of instant oatmeal
* 1 egg poached
* Hot water

How to make:

  1. Boil water.
  2. Prepare the noodles in a heat resistant container (whichever is made of porcelain, glass, food grade heat resistant plastic, or other heat resistant material).
  3. Enter the oatmeal and seasoning.
  4. Add enough hot water. Mix well. Cover and let some time (about 3 minutes).
  5. Open the lid. Add boiled eggs. Serve.

Nutritional value per serving

* Energy: 246 kcal
* Fat: 12.6 g
* Carbohydrates: 22.5 g
* Fiber: 1.8 g
* Protein: 10.7 g


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